Imagine The Time / Immaginare il Tempo

Here is one of two illustrations I sent for this year's Imagine The Time calendar contest. The contest is finished now and I'm happy to announce that I'm one of twelve finalists! :-) The theme was: "Tasting the nectar of the gods". Great theme, kind of hedonistic and sexy. The illustration posted here will be published as May! Can't wait to see it! You can find out more about Imagine The Time/Immaginare il Tempo project here.

Ovo je jedna od dve ilustracije koje sam poslala na Imagine The Time konkurs za kalendar. Konkurs je ovih dana završen i evo, da se pohvalim: ilustracija koju vidite biće objavljena u novom kalendaru i predstavljaće Maj! Inače, ove godine, tema je bila vezana za vino i hranu, u originalu "Tasting the nectar of the gods". Vrlo hedonistički, vrlo seksi! Više o Imagine The Time/Immaginare il Tempo projektu možete naći ovde.


This is the cover page of the comic I've finished this Friday. Just in time for this week's IF topic!

Ovo je naslovna strana mog najnovijeg stripa! Kao poručena za ovonedeljnu IF temu!

My super special seven

This is the first of eight pages of comic I've created during the workshop in French Cultural Center last week. As I already mentioned in the previous post, the theme was: "Seven most important moments in my life". So, here they are: My super special seven!

Ovo je prva od osam tabli moje strip priče nastale na radionici u Francuskom kulturnom centru prošle nedelje. Kao što sam već pomenula u prethodnom postu, tema je bila "Sedam najvažnijih trenutaka u mom životu". Dakle, evo mojih Sedam super specijalnih!

France:Instructions for use/Francuska: Uputstvo za upotrebu

I'm a little late with this, but it's never too late for nice photos and stories...

Last week, on Thursday and Friday, on August 31 and 1st September, at the French Cultural Center in Belgrade, the Festival of new French literature and comics is held, titled "France: Instructions for Use".

This mini festival was organized by the book publisher Rende and French cultural center, in cooperation with Beopolis and Book Factory.
Program was diverse and interesting... discussions, exhibition, new books and comics, a rock concert (famous Serbian band "Obojeni program" played)... However, the comics workshop was the best of all! With the support of Alexandar Zograf, the workshop was led by French comics author and illustrator Remi Malengre. Twenty of us sat around a huge table and started drawing... The topic was "Seven most important moments of my life".

As you can see from the photos taken by Zograf, everybody worked studiously, and it was easy to find inspiration in such a great company. We made a lot of great works in two days of the festival and used up all the paper they had! Honestly, I really missed something like this.

Some of the comics, as promised, will be published on Rende's site, but meanwhile, here's "My super special seven", as well as the comic by Johanna Marcade, one of the guests at the workshop (by the way, she prefers to be called Jovanka, which is Johanna in Serbian :-) ).

Finally, don't forget to buy a copy of Persepolis! Part one is out, published by Book Factory. You probably already know, but let me remind you, Persepolis is a collection of beautifully drawn and well written autobiographical stories of an Iranian comics artist Marjane Satrapi. I can't wait for the next Book fair, I've heard the part two will be out by then!

Malo kasnim sa ovim, no, za lepe priče i fotke nikad nije kasno...
Dakle, prošle nedelje, tačnije u četvrtak i petak, 31.8 i 1.9., u Francuskom kulturnom centru održan je Festival nove francuske književnosti i stripa pod nazivom FR
Organizatori ovog mini festivala bili su izdavačka kuća Rende i Francuski kulturni centar u saradnji sa Beopolisom i Fabrikom knjiga. Program je bio raznovrstan, živahan i zanimljiv...Tribine, izložba, nove knjige i stripovi, koncert Obojenog programa...Ipak, najbolja je bila strip radionica! Uz podršku Aleksandra Zografa, radionicu je vodio francuski strip autor i ilustrator Remi Malengre. Nas dvanaestak, posedali smo oko ogromnog stola i krenuli da crtamo...Tema: SEDAM NAJVAŽNIJIH TRENUTAKA U MOM ŽIVOTU.
Kao što se iz priloženih fotografija da videti, svi su marljivo
radili, elana nam nije manjkalo, a u dobrom društvu i inspiracije ima u izobilju. Za dva dana trajanja festivala nastala je gomila sjajnih radova, a i iscrtali smo sav papir koji nam je bio na raspolaganju! Iskreno, ovako nešto mi je zaista nedostajalo!
Neki od stripova, kako su nam obećali, biće objavljeni na sajtu Rende-a, ali u međuvremenu, evo, premijerno objavljujem moj strip My super special seven, kao i strip Johane Markade ( Johanna Marcade ), gošće radionice, koja, btw, više voli da je zovu Jovanka :-)
E, da, i nikako, ali nikako ne propustite da kupite svoj primerak Persepolisa! Prvi deo izašao je ovih dana u izdanju Fabrike knjiga. Verovatno znate, ali da podsetim, Persepolis je zbirka predivno nacrtanih i još bolje napisanih autobiografskih priča iranske strip autorke Marđan Satrapi ( Marjane Satrapi ). Jedva čekam sajam knjiga, čula sam da će do tada izaći i drugi deo!


I just adore cats! I've been surrounded by them all my life. As a kid, I enjoyed playing with them, even though was allergic to their hair. Hm...The sneezing part wasn't so fun, but I couldn't help it :-) Today, cats are one of my favorite themes. I draw them all the time, whit or without reason...There is always a place for one more cat, especially on paper :-) But one of the most fascinating thing about cats is the way mom - cat cares of her kitties. This week's illustration is about that. If you have someone who cuddles and hags you like that, you must be the safest and happiest person in the universe.

Obožavam mačke! Celog života sam okružena njima. Kao klinka, bila sam alergična na mačju dlaku...ali igrala sam sa njima...i kijala doduše. Inače, mačke su jedna od mojih omiljenih tema. Crtam ih stalno, sa razlogom ili bez...Za mačke uvek ima mesta, pogotovo na papiru :-) Ali ono što me najviše oduševljava kod njih je način na koji se mame - mačke brinu o svojoj deci. Ovonedeljna ilustracija za IF je upravo o tome. Čini mi se, svako bi se osećao sigurno i ušuškano kada bi ga neko tako pazio i mazio :-)

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