Bjelovarska terapija stripom / The Comics Therapy in Bjelovar
Pre par dana vratila sam se sa Bjelovarskih odjeka kazališta ili kraće BOK festa, u okviru kojeg je, ove godine po prvi put, upriličena i strip radionica. Radionicu je osmislila i odlično organizovala Irena Jukić Pranjić, strip autorka, ilustratorka i članica strip grupe Emisija emocija. Ko slučajno ne zna njene radove smesta neka skoči na ovaj ovde link, a oni koji znaju, neka se podsete i uživaju.
Dakle, Irena je pozvala nas nekoliko - Sonju Gašperov, Matiju Pisačića, Igora Hofbauera, Miroslava Nemetha i mene, da u Bjelovaru, na BOK-u održimo zajedničku izložbu, da crtamo stripove, družimo se i uopšte uživamo u svim blagodetima terapije stripom. Poslednjeg dana radionice pridružio nam se i Krešimir Zimonić, umetnički direktor Zagreb filma, pa smo svi skupa u bioskopskoj sali Doma kulture odgledali desetak animiranih filmova po njegovom izboru.
A što se samog Bjelovara tiče, to je jedan lep i pitom grad, prepun cveća i drveća. Najlepše izgleda posle kiše, tad je naročito zelen, sav blješti i sija od svežine. U čuvenom bjelovarskom parku sve je pod konac uredno i svaki bi detalj mogao biti motiv sa razglednice. Sve ulice u Bjelovaru seku se pod pravim uglom, pa je navodno nemoguće izgubiti se. Ipak, Matiji, Sonji i meni to je pošlo za rukom. Izgubili smo se u sred centra pokušavajući da nadjemo Dom kulture u čijem se foajeu to veče otvarala naša zajednička izložba.
Inače, izložba je prošla odlično, posetilaca je bilo taman koliko treba, a izložbu je otvorio Goran Navojec, glumac i urednik festivala. Tom prilikom je rekao da mu se čitava ideja sa stripom mnogo sviđa, te da bi vrlo rado i sledeće godine ugostio tako divne ljude i umetnike kao što smo mi (dobro, možda nije baš skroz ovako kazao, ali tako nekako)
Sve u svemu četiri dana terapije stripom urodila su plodom. Nacrtali smo ukupno 32 table fantastičnih stripova, sve vreme smo bili izuzetno dobro raspoloženi, a posle završenih stripova još i više. Uz to bih pomenula da sam čak i ja svoj strip od tri table komplet završila i to radeći ga svojim dobro oprobanim sporim tehnikama...Sve ovo upućuje na to da je Irenina terapija stripom i te kako delotvorna, te da bi je valjalo smesta patentirati jer to je u interesu stripa i čovečanstva!
A kako su o istoj zgodi blogovali Irena, Sonja i Zimonić pogledajte ovde, ovde i ovde.
I have just returned from a comic workshop in Bjelovar, Croatia. Actually it was a part of a theater festival, also known as BOK fest. The workshop was initiated and perfectly organized by Irena Jukić Pranjić, one of the most interesting artists at Croatian comics scene. She is also an illustrator and a member of the Emisija emocija comics crew.
So, Irena invited Sonja Gašperov, Matija Pisačić, Igor Hofbauer, Mirosalv Nemeth and me to participate in the group exhibition, to share our artistic experience and enjoy drawing comics together. It was, as Irena put it, the real comics therapy! The last day of the workshop, Krešimir Zimonić, the art director of Zagreb film joined us and we all went to the town cinema hall to watch animated films he selected.
Speaking of Bjelovar itself, it is a beautiful and pleasantly cultivated city, full of flowers and trees. It looks best after the rain with those specific green colors all around… it’s just sparkling and shining with freshness! The famous Bjelovar park is also lovely and almost every detail could be a motif for a post card. The streets are crossing under the right angle and it is quite impossible to get lost. However, for Matija, Sonja and me it wasn’t a problem at all. We got lost quite easily at the Bjelovar main street, trying to find the place where our group show should be opened that evening.
Otherwise, the exhibition was great and there were a lot of curious visitors around. The exhibition was opened by Goran Navojec, famous Croatian actor and editor of BOK fest. He was delighted with the idea about comics and workshops, and said that he would be happy to host such a wonderful people and artist (as we are) again next year.
At the end, four days of intensive comics therapy shows its results. During the workshop we draw 32 pages of fantastic comic and we were in good mood all he time. Even I finished my 3 page comic despite the fact I used my well known extra slow techniques… Irena’s comics therapy is more than effective! It absolutely needs to be patented immediately because that’s in the best interest of comics and humanity!
Dakle, Irena je pozvala nas nekoliko - Sonju Gašperov, Matiju Pisačića, Igora Hofbauera, Miroslava Nemetha i mene, da u Bjelovaru, na BOK-u održimo zajedničku izložbu, da crtamo stripove, družimo se i uopšte uživamo u svim blagodetima terapije stripom. Poslednjeg dana radionice pridružio nam se i Krešimir Zimonić, umetnički direktor Zagreb filma, pa smo svi skupa u bioskopskoj sali Doma kulture odgledali desetak animiranih filmova po njegovom izboru.
A što se samog Bjelovara tiče, to je jedan lep i pitom grad, prepun cveća i drveća. Najlepše izgleda posle kiše, tad je naročito zelen, sav blješti i sija od svežine. U čuvenom bjelovarskom parku sve je pod konac uredno i svaki bi detalj mogao biti motiv sa razglednice. Sve ulice u Bjelovaru seku se pod pravim uglom, pa je navodno nemoguće izgubiti se. Ipak, Matiji, Sonji i meni to je pošlo za rukom. Izgubili smo se u sred centra pokušavajući da nadjemo Dom kulture u čijem se foajeu to veče otvarala naša zajednička izložba.
Inače, izložba je prošla odlično, posetilaca je bilo taman koliko treba, a izložbu je otvorio Goran Navojec, glumac i urednik festivala. Tom prilikom je rekao da mu se čitava ideja sa stripom mnogo sviđa, te da bi vrlo rado i sledeće godine ugostio tako divne ljude i umetnike kao što smo mi (dobro, možda nije baš skroz ovako kazao, ali tako nekako)
Sve u svemu četiri dana terapije stripom urodila su plodom. Nacrtali smo ukupno 32 table fantastičnih stripova, sve vreme smo bili izuzetno dobro raspoloženi, a posle završenih stripova još i više. Uz to bih pomenula da sam čak i ja svoj strip od tri table komplet završila i to radeći ga svojim dobro oprobanim sporim tehnikama...Sve ovo upućuje na to da je Irenina terapija stripom i te kako delotvorna, te da bi je valjalo smesta patentirati jer to je u interesu stripa i čovečanstva!
A kako su o istoj zgodi blogovali Irena, Sonja i Zimonić pogledajte ovde, ovde i ovde.
I have just returned from a comic workshop in Bjelovar, Croatia. Actually it was a part of a theater festival, also known as BOK fest. The workshop was initiated and perfectly organized by Irena Jukić Pranjić, one of the most interesting artists at Croatian comics scene. She is also an illustrator and a member of the Emisija emocija comics crew.
So, Irena invited Sonja Gašperov, Matija Pisačić, Igor Hofbauer, Mirosalv Nemeth and me to participate in the group exhibition, to share our artistic experience and enjoy drawing comics together. It was, as Irena put it, the real comics therapy! The last day of the workshop, Krešimir Zimonić, the art director of Zagreb film joined us and we all went to the town cinema hall to watch animated films he selected.
Speaking of Bjelovar itself, it is a beautiful and pleasantly cultivated city, full of flowers and trees. It looks best after the rain with those specific green colors all around… it’s just sparkling and shining with freshness! The famous Bjelovar park is also lovely and almost every detail could be a motif for a post card. The streets are crossing under the right angle and it is quite impossible to get lost. However, for Matija, Sonja and me it wasn’t a problem at all. We got lost quite easily at the Bjelovar main street, trying to find the place where our group show should be opened that evening.
Otherwise, the exhibition was great and there were a lot of curious visitors around. The exhibition was opened by Goran Navojec, famous Croatian actor and editor of BOK fest. He was delighted with the idea about comics and workshops, and said that he would be happy to host such a wonderful people and artist (as we are) again next year.
At the end, four days of intensive comics therapy shows its results. During the workshop we draw 32 pages of fantastic comic and we were in good mood all he time. Even I finished my 3 page comic despite the fact I used my well known extra slow techniques… Irena’s comics therapy is more than effective! It absolutely needs to be patented immediately because that’s in the best interest of comics and humanity!
Lepe vesti iz daleke Australije / Good News From Far Australia
Časopis Yen - vodeći nezavisni ženski časopis u Australiji, već šest godina za redom izdaje i specijalno izdanje Curvy, posvećeno, kako sami kažu, najzanimljivijim dizajnerkama i ilustratorkama širom sveta. Svake godine oko 100 umetnica po izboru žirija dobije priliku da se predstavi u ovom specijalnom izdanju. U ovogodišnjem broju ta prilika se ukazala i meni! Moj rad pod nazivom Dan na Zemlji ušao je u selekciju, a budući da je ove godine konkurencija bila žestoka (stiglo je oko 1600 radova iz 40 zemalja) podrazumeva se da sam i te kako ponosna i srećna :-) Velika izložba povodom promocije Curvy #6 održala se pre nekoliko dana u Sidneju, a kako mi javljaju, moj primerak časopisa već je na putu ovamo. No, biću strpljiva, jer ipak, daleko je Australija...
The Yen magazine – Australia's #1 independent publication for woman, publishes a special issue called Curvy for 6 years now. It is devoted, as they put it, to the most exciting female graphic artist and illustrators in the world. Each year, a jury selects around 100 artists and gives them a chance to present their work in this special issue. This year the number of artists is 120 and I am one of them! My piece called Day on Earth was selected, and since the competition was strong (over 1600 works from 40 countries) it's understandable that I am so proud and happy :-) A big exhibition and promotion of Curvy#6 was held a couple of days ago in Sidney, and my copy of the magazine is on its way. But it will take some time, Australia is far away...
The Yen magazine – Australia's #1 independent publication for woman, publishes a special issue called Curvy for 6 years now. It is devoted, as they put it, to the most exciting female graphic artist and illustrators in the world. Each year, a jury selects around 100 artists and gives them a chance to present their work in this special issue. This year the number of artists is 120 and I am one of them! My piece called Day on Earth was selected, and since the competition was strong (over 1600 works from 40 countries) it's understandable that I am so proud and happy :-) A big exhibition and promotion of Curvy#6 was held a couple of days ago in Sidney, and my copy of the magazine is on its way. But it will take some time, Australia is far away...
I've been working on this one in my free time for a last few days. I almost forgot how good it feels to make an illustration just for fun :-) Posting again to my favorite Illustration Friday feels great too!
Technique: digital drawing with hand painted textures.
Evo ilustracije nastale u pauzama između poslova. Skoro da sam i zaboravila kako je super uraditi ilustraciju iz čistog zadovoljstva :-) Naravno, veoma me raduje i što ponovo učestvujem u mom omiljenom Illustration Friday-u.
Tehnika: kombinacija ručno slikanih tekstura i digitalnih tehnika.
Technique: digital drawing with hand painted textures.
Evo ilustracije nastale u pauzama između poslova. Skoro da sam i zaboravila kako je super uraditi ilustraciju iz čistog zadovoljstva :-) Naravno, veoma me raduje i što ponovo učestvujem u mom omiljenom Illustration Friday-u.
Tehnika: kombinacija ručno slikanih tekstura i digitalnih tehnika.