During the Adriatico Mediterraneo festival held in Ancona (Italy) from September 4th, there were all kinds of nice comics related things happening. First, in an unusual space called Mole Vanvitelliana (ex port quarantine from the 18th century), there was a solo exhibition of Aleksandar Zograf, and then a group exhibition of Serbian authors titled Cartoline dalla Serbia (Postcards from Serbia). Unfortunately, I couldn’t be there but, judging by photos, my comics had a great time 🙂
After Ancona, the festival traveled to Sarajevo as the exhibition Cartoline dall’Italia alla Bosnia in the Art gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina which presented Bosnian and Italian artists.
The third and final part of the festival titled Cartoline dall’Italia alla Serbia will happen in Belgrade, from 15th to 30th October in the VIP gallery of the Student Cultural Center. In addition to the exhibition of Italian and Serbian artists, there will be workshops and one of the Italian guests will be the famous muralist Blu!
And all of this wouldn’t be possible without the Associazione Culturale Mirada association from Ravenna and its hardworking editors Elettra Stamboulis and Gianluca Costantinii. Thank you so very much!
Don’t miss Elettra’s article Sunflowers and comics (Girasoli e fumetti), it will make things clearer 🙂
U okviru festivala Adriatico Mediterraneo, a koji je započeo 4. septembra u Ankoni, dešavale su se razne lepe stripovske stvari. Najpre je, u neobičnom izložbenom prostoru Mole Vanvitelliana ( bivši lučki karantin iz 18. veka), otvorena izložba Aleksandra Zografa, a zatim i grupna izložba srbijanskih autora pod nazivom Cartoline dalla Serbia/ Dopisnice iz Srbije. Ja na žalost nisam prisustvovala svemu tome, ali sudeci po fotografijama moji stripovi su se lepo proveli 🙂
Posle toga festival je otputovao u Sarajevo, pa je i tamo, u Umjetničkoj galeriji BIH, upriličena izložba Cartoline dall’Italia alla Bosnia, na kojoj su zajedno predstavljeni autori iz Bosne i Italije.
Treci, završni deo festivala Cartoline dall’Italia alla Serbia desiće se u Beogradu, od 15. – 30. oktobra, u VIP galeriji SKC-a. Pored izložbe autora iz Italije i Srbije , predviđene su i radionice, a jedan od italijanskih gostiju biće i čuveni muralista Blu!
A svega ovog ne bi bilo bez asocijacije Culturale Mirada iz Ravene i njenih vrednih urednika Eletre Stamboulis i Đanluke Konstantinija. Puno, puno hvala!
I obavezno pročitajte Eletrin tekst Suncokreti i stripovi / Girasoli e fumetti , mnogo toga će vam biti jasnije 🙂
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