I just adore cats! I’ve been surrounded by them all my life. As a kid, I enjoyed playing with them, even though was allergic to their hair. Hm…The sneezing part wasn’t so fun, but I couldn’t help it 🙂 Today, cats are one of my favorite themes. I draw them all the time, whit or without reason…There is always a place for one more cat, especially on paper 🙂 But one of the most fascinating thing about cats is the way mom – cat cares of her kitties. This week’s illustration is about that. If you have someone who cuddles and hags you like that, you must be the safest and happiest person in the universe.
Obožavam mačke! Celog života sam okružena njima. Kao klinka, bila sam alergična na mačju dlaku…ali igrala sam sa njima…i kijala doduše. Inače, mačke su jedna od mojih omiljenih tema. Crtam ih stalno, sa razlogom ili bez…Za mačke uvek ima mesta, pogotovo na papiru 🙂 Ali ono što me najviše oduševljava kod njih je način na koji se mame – mačke brinu o svojoj deci. Ovonedeljna ilustracija za IF je upravo o tome. Čini mi se, svako bi se osećao sigurno i ušuškano kada bi ga neko tako pazio i mazio 🙂
stacey maddock
what a beautiful piece! and i agree, cats are especially nurturing mothers 🙂
Marco Antonio Sepúlveda
Hermoso, me gustó mucho.
what a playful piece, well done, such fun
That’s sweet. 🙂 The kitten furthest to the left is soo cute. 😀 Look how he struggles to get on top of his mommy. How cute. 🙂
This is so sweet! One heap of cat! I especially like their little claws.
Just like you I’m allergic to them, and its only getting worse, but hey: a life without cats is only half a life 😉 So there are three living with me. sneeeeze!!
fantastic little family of cats, i love their unique little shapes and how they take up the whole paper. beautiful colour
Great cats, I like the puffy-fat quality you have given them!
gorgeous, i want to see the detail in her eyes…
Kay Aker
cute kitties with their kaleidoscope eyes