The title under those „adorable“ creatures says: „One cloudy afternoon in March Catman meets Rabbitman“… It looks and sounds just like the beginning of the new comic story! And I’m happy because of that!
For this week’s IF, and for Bistra who suggested such a wonderful topic 🙂
Sudeći prema natpisu iznad ovih neodoljivih stvorenja izgleda da sam, bez naročite namere, započela strip i vrlo sam srećna zbog toga!
Inače, ovo je ilustracija za IF i Bistru, blog-drugaricu iz Sofije, koja je predložila ovonedeljnu temu 🙂
super je!:)
as I have already said – I really like your style. And as I’m Polish I have fun trying to guess what you wrote in your language before checking the English version. This time I was stuck at „sreo je“ the rest was pretty easy 😀
Debbie Egizio
Love this image!
Julie Himel
i love the „where the wild things are“ suits! this is a great illustration! love the texture and palette.
Mr Wonky
Great picture! (I think Rabbitman is saying to Catman, „I wish I had a wristwatch like yours.“)
Fantastic! great style!
Really like their style, wonderful.
claudine hellmuth
amazing work! love it!
So good, love your style!!
love the outfits!
awesome piece! i love the colors and the wonderful texture!
woo! Great textures and design.
Good piece!
ronald p.d. brandt
my favorite thing, among the many great assets this piece has, is the palette. excellent color choices.
This is very interesting concept. Reminds me a bit of Maurice Sendacks stuff. Love the colors and the overall look of the peice. Nice work!
Kay Aker
Wonderfully great!
Maja, it’s wonderful! 🙂
This is so odd, yet sweet at the same time, It’s right up my alley. I Love it. It’s my favourite IF entry this week!
mike Lemos
I like your style of illustration.
Sandra Nascimento
Wonderful! you have a great style!
i like this very much!