Hercegnovski Strip Festival – par reči i foto utisci

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Iako ovo pišem sa debelim zakašnjenjem (hm…festival je trajao od 10.-15. septembra), još uvek sam pod snažnim utiscima sa ovog stripovskog događaja! Svi bi se strip festivali trebali održavati na moru, jer more je ipak more! No, šalu na stranu…S obzirom da je prvi, da je veoma ambiciozno zamišljen i da je gotovo čitava organizacija… Read more »

PitchWise 2007 – foto izveštaj

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U organizaciji fondacije CURE i ove godine u Sarajevu, održao se PitchWise – festival ženske umetnosti. U jednoj od galerija Historijskog muzeja BiH bila je postavljena i izložba mojih stripova. Kao što se na gornjoj sličici vidi (ako ne, klik na sliku za veći prikaz!) bila sam vrlo srećna zbog toga! A i sada sam…… Read more »


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Narednih nedelju dana očekuje me puno putovanja i dve samostalne izložbe, prva u Sarajevu, druga u Herceg Novom. Izložba u Sarajevu otvara se 6. septembra, u 18h, u Historijskom muzeju Bosne i Hercegovine, i to u okviru Festivala ženske umetnosti – PitchWise 2007. Kompletan program naći ćete ovde, a evo i info-a o svim učesnicama… Read more »


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For this week’s IF I’m posting something from my „Flying cats“ phase 🙂 I’ve made this one about three years ago for some T-shirt design project. . .It’s pen, ink, oil pastels and gouache on pastel paper. Za ovonedeljni IF jedna ilustracija tri godine stara iz faze sa letećim mačkama! Tehnika kombinovana, tj. tuš, pero,… Read more »

…and now something completely different!

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For a change, here are some works I’ve done for my final exam in graphic design. Most of it was fun, specially the illustration part. Creating logotypes was also enjoyable. But I heated making 3d paper models. It was sticky and took me a lot of time… Anyway, at the end they turned out great… Read more »

Samostalna u Kragujevcu, Ciril i „Mostovi“

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Prošlog ponedeljka, 28. maja (…a ja tek sad o tome), u kafe galeriji Doma omladine u Kragujevcu otvorena je moja samostalna izložba stripova i ilustracija. Izložba traje još koji dan, pa ako ste u blizini izvolite, svratite. Na istom mestu, u isto vreme, Ciril Horjak – strip autor i ilustrator iz Slovenije ( to je… Read more »


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I’ve done this one few months ago without any special reason… But this week’s theme seams to be the very special reason for posting it. And just for the record, this is my 20-illo jubilee on Illustration Friday 🙂 ! Dvadeseta ilustracija naIllustration Friday- u!Takoreći jubilej! 🙂Ova ilustracija, iako ne preterano nova, kao stvorena je… Read more »


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My last minute entry for this week’s Illustration Friday… U poslednjem trenutku, za ovonedeljni Illustration Friday…


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One small peace for this week’s Illustration Friday. I’ve been busy, stressed and pretty anxious lately… But making this one was really enjoyable, totally fun and relaxing!Oh, and don’t forget, the spring begins tomorrow 🙂Wish you a great one! Prilično sam bila zauzeta i pod stresom ovih dana, ali ovonedeljna Illustration Friday tema totalno me… Read more »