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It has been a while since I posted anything on IF. Hm…two weeks actually… and I really missed it. But finally I find some time, and here it is, my „lonely smoker” entry for this week’s theme 🙂 Dve nedelje je prošlo, a ja ništa nisam postovala na IF. No, konačno dobih malo vremena, i… Read more »

Black and Orange

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Here is the work I submitted for this year’s Halloween contest. The theme was Black and Orange. Find out more about this great project here! Check out the gallery, it’s full of interesting and crazy stuff! Enjoy yourself and happy Halloween! Ovo je ilustracija koju sam poslala na jedan Halloween konkurs. Tema je bila Crno… Read more »

Solo exhibition in Cacak /Samostalna izložba u Čačku

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My second solo exhibition this year was opened on Friday, October 27, at Art showroom of Cultural center in Cacak (west Serbia). It will be there for next 10 days, so if you are in the neighborhood, have a look 🙂 There are around twenty comic panels and fifteen illustrations, mostly recent stuff. The opening… Read more »

Pick of the week!

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What an honor! My work is chosen as Illustration Friday pick of the week! 🙂 Kakva čast! Rad iz prethodnog posta izabran je za ilustraciju nedelje na Illustration Friday-u! 🙂


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Here is the submission for this week’s theme. Hm…according to my archive, this is my 10-illo jubilee on Illustration Friday :-)! Hurray! Ovonedeljna ilustracija za Illustration Friday, deseta po redu…dakle, mali jubilej :-)! Juuupi!


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As you can see, I’m posting another sequence from my newest comic story. This scene actually happened before the one I showed last time, so, you may have a clue what the story is about 🙂 Još jedan Illustration Friday i još jedan kadar iz nedavno završenog stripa. Ova scena prethodi onoj koju sam objavila… Read more »


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One more scene from the story I’ve illustrated recently. Couldn’t help but post it as this week’s Illustration Friday topic 🙂 Još jedan kadar iz stripa koji sam nedavno završila. Kao poručen za ovonedeljnu Illustration Friday temu 🙂

Imagine The Time / Immaginare il Tempo

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Here is one of two illustrations I sent for this year’s Imagine The Time calendar contest. The contest is finished now and I’m happy to announce that I’m one of twelve finalists! 🙂 The theme was: „Tasting the nectar of the gods“. Great theme, kind of hedonistic and sexy. The illustration posted here will be… Read more »


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This is the cover page of the comic I’ve finished this Friday. Just in time for this week’s IF topic! Ovo je naslovna strana mog najnovijeg stripa! Kao poručena za ovonedeljnu IF temu!

My super special seven

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This is the first of eight pages of comic I’ve created during the workshop in French Cultural Center last week. As I already mentioned in the previous post, the theme was: „Seven most important moments in my life“. So, here they are: My super special seven!Ovo je prva od osam tabli moje strip priče nastale… Read more »