U susret festivalu Novo doba evo i moje table stripa, specijalno nacrtane za tu priliku. Naravno, većini će odmah biti jasno ko mi je bio direktna inspiracija. U pitanju je dakle čuveno dete sa ambalaže za ekspres kačamak. Sećam se da sam kao mala bila potpuno fascinirana tom slikom. Dete jede kačamak iz velikog tanjira, velikom kašikom! Ma nije moguće da će sve pojesti, mislila sam… Danas sam međutim više fascinirana činjenicom da istog dečaka, sa frizurom i outfitom s kraja sedamdesetih i dalje srećemo na rafovima ovdašnjih prodavnica. Bezbržno jede svoj kačamak, velikom kašikom, iz velikog tanjira. I baš ga briga za trendove u dizajnu!
Here’s the comic I draw for the upcoming Novo doba festival. Of course, most of you will instantly recognize who my inspiration was. For those who are not familiar with local products and designs, it’s a kid from the popular express polenta package. I remember when I was little, how completely fascinated I was by this picture. A child eats polenta, from a big plate with a big spoon! Wow! Nowadays I am more fascinated by the fact that the same boy, with a hairstyle and outfit from the late seventies is still here on the shelves in the stores. He still eats his polenta, with a large spoon, from a large plate. Design? He just couldn’t care less!
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