Prošlog petka, 23. februara, u sred Pančeva, na opštu radost lokalne ( a i globalne ) underground scene, otvoren je novi prostor – galerija Elektrika! Sveže okrečene zidove nove galerije, izložbom printova i ilustracija, imala je čast da overi Johanna Marcade, francuska strip-umetnica na privremenom školovanju u Srbiji :-).

Poletnu atmosferu novog početka probranim repertoarom kreirala je 36-člana družina lepih i talentovanih ljudi poznatija kao hor i orkestar Horkestar. I za njih je ovo bio novi početak, budući da prvi put nastupaju pod novim imenom…a imaju i nova odela 🙂 Dodamo li ovome brojnu i vidno oduševljenu publiku sasvim je jasno da će Elektrika tek zasijati punim sjajem. I naravno, sve čestitke organizatorima, prvenstveno uredniku galerije i svestranom strip – aktivisti Vladi Palibrku koji uveliko sprema nove strip poduhvate o kojima će se tek čuti i pričati.
Panoramske fotografije, snimljene pre otvaranja, delo su fotografa Marka Šnajdera, dok sam ostale, u nedostatku sopstvenih, “pozajmila” sa flickr-a jedne od članica Horkestra… Marina, nemoj da se ljutiš.

Last Friday, February 23, in Pančevo, new exhibit space – Elektrika gallery – was opened! The first to put something (prints and illustrations) on freshly painted walls was Johanna Marcade, French artist currently studying in Serbia :-). To mark the new beginning, talented group of 36 people, known as choir and orchestra Horkestar, sung couple of songs from their exquisite repertoire. This was the new beginning for them too, their first public performance under the new name… and they have new outfits too :-). Add to this numerous and enthusiastic audience and it’s clear that Elektrika will have bright future. And of course, compliments to the organizers, especially the gallery manager and versatile comics activist Vlada Palibrk, who is also working on new comics projects.
Panoramic photos shot of the gallery before the opening are done by Marc Schneider, and the others are “borrowed” from the flickr page of one of Horkestar members.

Cool blog and illos!
Take care :o)