As you can see, that day has finally arrived – my site is completely redesigned and updated with a bunch of new comics and illustrations! There are also two new section – design and illustration for children as well as renovated shop with good quality prints. And same as before, here in the blog you will be able to see my latest works and some photo reports from comics and illustration related events. Also you are always very welcome to leave a comment or two… Anyway, to cut a long story short, as of now, the site is officially open! Take a look, browse around and let me know what you think
Kao što vidite, došao je i taj dan! Moj sajt je u potpunosti redizajniran i dopunjen gomilom novih stripova i ilustracija! Novost na sajtu je i stranica sa radovima iz oblasti dizajna, kao i stranica sa ilustracijama za decu. Tu je i renovirana prodavnica sa printovima i to veoma kvalitetnim! A ovde na blogu ćete, kao i do sada, moći da vidite najnovije radove, pogledate po neki foto izveštaj sa stripovskih, ilustratorskih i sličnih dešavanja, ali i da, ukoliko želite, podelite sa mnom po koju ličnu impresiju. No, da ne dužim, sajt je od sada i zvanično otvoren! Izvolite pogledajte, procunjajte, pa javite kako vam se čini
Looks nice. Well done.
Vítor Silva
Thank you for the comment on my Coroflot.
Wonderful jobs in your new website (as usual)!
just …perfect!!!! I really love your new site. Hope I could design my own page someday!!!
A big hug Maja!!!!!!
Jako dobro
hey, maja
i like your site very very much and i’m happy i have the chance to see more of your work
you’re awesome, girl!
It looks fantastic! Congratulations