Kada su krajem februara Muha i Lara dobili bebu Isaka, odmah mi je sinulo da će im verovatno biti potrebne plava, roza i žuta životinjica da ih okače na zid 🙂 Zato sam se smesta latila četkice i hitrim potezima namalala pile, prase i ovo treće što bi trebalo da bude zec, a može i veverica. No, uprkos hitrosti, tri su se živuljke tek nedavno našle u Sarajevu. U lepom domu, sa lepim ukućanima, baškare se i smeškaju na zidu iznad Isakovog krevetca 🙂
When Muha and Lara got the baby Isak in February this year, I thought that now they probably will need some cute blue, pink an yellow animals to hang them on the wall 🙂 So I grabbed the brush and painted a chicken, a pig and this third creature which should be a rabbit, but could be a squirrel too. Anyway, those three pals just recently have arrived in Sarajevo. In the home of my lovely friends they are smiling from the wall above Isak’s bed 🙂
Plavi zec 🙂