One small peace for this week’s Illustration Friday.
I’ve been busy, stressed and pretty anxious lately… But making this one was really enjoyable, totally fun and relaxing!
Oh, and don’t forget, the spring begins tomorrow 🙂
Wish you a great one!
Prilično sam bila zauzeta i pod stresom ovih dana, ali ovonedeljna Illustration Friday tema totalno me je zabavila i oraspoložila!
I ne zaboravite, sutra počinje proleće 🙂
Srećno proleće svima!
mr wonky
Cool. And hooray for spring!
Digital Scott's Illustrationblog
You have an awesome style! I really love this piece. May your upcoming week be more peaceful!
And happy Spring.
studio lolo
Wonderful style and texture! Nice job on the dress pattern too 🙂
love this portrait!! you got a great style.
Michelle Lana
Great style and love the dress pattern!
Former Mom of a Broken Child
cool style and may I compliment you on your website!
Madcap Baroness with Teacup
She looks happy about spring. Me, too. Love the textures and patterns.
ha:)sada sam bash prochitala sve tvoje stripove i skroz su super blesavi:)ja nisam neki poznavalac stripova i obichno kada ih kupujem momku na poklon kupim ono sta mi rasha da u domu omladine,ali ovi tvoji mi se bash svidjaju:)