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Here’s something completely new I have finished yesterday. By style and content it belongs to the series of illustrations I’ve made this summer for the Imagine the Time calendar contest. But it also could be a nice response for this week’s Illustration Friday theme.Technique: pen, ink, gouache, digitally colored (with the little help of my… Read more »

Neobičan događaj… / An Unusual Event…

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Neobičan događaj sa namigivanjem i druge priče je moja prva knjiga stripova! Izašla je iz štampe pre nešto više od nedelju dana u, za sada, limitiranom tiražu. Sadrži izbor od sedamnaest stripova nastalih od 2002. do danas, zatim nešto fotografija i gomilu raznih žvrlja sakupljenih po skečbukovima, blokčićima, papirćima…Posetioci Salona stripa knjigu su mogli videti,… Read more »

Blic interview / Razgovor za Blic

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Recently I had the pleasure to tell a few words about all kinds of comics and illustration related stuff, but also to announce my first book. The book will be presented at this year’s Comics Showroom in Belgrade. You can read the article here. The author is Tijana Spasić from the culture section of Blic…. Read more »

Dizajnersi / Designers

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U rubrici portfolio online magazina Dizajnersi, pre par dana, predstavljeni su i moji radovi. Takođe, tu je i mali intervju gde sam, sa velikim zadovoljstvom, odgovorila na par pitanja o ilustracijama, dizajnu, stripu, životu…Izbor radova napravila i prilog priredila urednica Dizajnersa, Jelena Seničić. Hvala 🙂 A few days ago my work has been featured in… Read more »

Cartoline / Razglednice

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During the Adriatico Mediterraneo festival held in Ancona (Italy) from September 4th, there were all kinds of nice comics related things happening. First, in an unusual space called Mole Vanvitelliana (ex port quarantine from the 18th century), there was a solo exhibition of Aleksandar Zograf, and then a group exhibition of Serbian authors titled Cartoline… Read more »

Vacation! / Odmor!

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This summer was all about work, and that is great. But even the worst workaholic, as I obviously am, needs at least ten days off. This year I will be in Herceg Novi, which is so peaceful and beautiful in September. Also, the second edition of Herceg Novi Comics festival will be held in this… Read more »

Vote for Sunny Day! / Glasajte za sunčan dan!

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Although it was raining all day yesterday, I’ve got some great sunny news from Italy!The illustration titled „Sunny Day“ I’ve submitted for the Imagine the Time calendar contest is selected as one of 12 finalists! It will be published in the new calendar edition, representing August! But, only three are going to be winers and… Read more »


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Here’s something from my childen’s book portfolio. It’s a part of a personal project I’ve been experimenting with. I was playing with some new textures and colors, mixing hand painted with digital backgrounds… And It was super fun! I think it will bee nice to play like this more often 🙂 For this week’s Illustration… Read more »