Elektrika, Johanna i Horkestar/Elektrika, Johanna and Horkestar

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Prošlog petka, 23. februara, u sred Pančeva, na opštu radost lokalne ( a i globalne ) underground scene, otvoren je novi prostor – galerija Elektrika! Sveže okrečene zidove nove galerije, izložbom printova i ilustracija, imala je čast da overi Johanna Marcade, francuska strip-umetnica na privremenom školovanju u Srbiji :-). Poletnu atmosferu novog početka probranim repertoarom… Read more »


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The title under those „adorable“ creatures says: „One cloudy afternoon in March Catman meets Rabbitman“… It looks and sounds just like the beginning of the new comic story! And I’m happy because of that! For this week’s IF, and for Bistra who suggested such a wonderful topic 🙂 Sudeći prema natpisu iznad ovih neodoljivih stvorenja… Read more »


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For this week’s Illustration Friday…It couldn’t be more red! Or maybe it could… ( I used this one as a postage stamp design… Click here to see the whole set or just look at the previous post 🙂 Za ovonedeljni Illustration Friday… Ne može biti crvenija! Il’ možda može… ( Ovu i još pet iz… Read more »

Postage stamps

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Here they are, my fruit&vegetable; postage stamp set 🙂 I’ve created it on my graphic design classes… Evo malo voćnih i povrćnih markica što ih napravih kao deo zadatka iz grafičkog dizajna…

Coroflot portfolio

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A lot of new and some old illustrations, logotypes, poster and book cover designs… are online now at my Coroflot portfolio! Check it out right here 🙂 Nove i stare ilustracije, logotipi, plakati, dizajn korica knjige…sve to u mom Coroflot portfoliu! Klik 🙂


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I was thinking it would be nice to start the year with something bright and colorful. So, here it is, my first IF post for this year!!! Hurray! Moj prvi ovogodišnji IF post!!! Mislim da je dobro godinu započeti sa nečim svetlim i šarenim…Evo, na primer sa ovom cvetnom sličicom 🙂


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My exams are approaching very fast. Most of the time I’m at faculty or working on my graphic design assignments. The next three weeks will be crucial for this semester… So, before that, one peaceful moment for IF could be helpful 🙂 Happy holydays to all! (This is the scene from the comic I’ve done… Read more »


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Something was wrong with my blog lately…A lot of difficulties with posting to (and getting comments from) other people’s blogs…I don’t know, maybe it is because I’ve recently switched to the blogger beta…Hope it is fixed now. But if it is not, maybe this mighty rabbit could solve the problem. Blog mi je nešto bio… Read more »


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Here is the CD cover illustration I’ve made few months ago for the Serbian noise experimental band – Trap for Pioneers. Hm…hope the sky is clear enough for this week’s Illustration Friday 🙂 Za ovonedeljni Illustation Friday, evo ilustracije koju su neki možda već videli na omotu najnovijeg albuma Klopke za pionira 🙂