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18 Responses to “Run”

  1. Marie-Dom

    I like this. Really captures the feeling of needing to hurry because of being late. I’m a teacher and I often have a nightmare where I’m late to my class and am running to get there but can’t find where I’m supposed to be…..
    Great picture.

  2. georg

    Hi – nice image. In danish we call men/women who work at an office for „mappe-dyr“ – direct translated briefcase-animals 🙂

    I think that is, what you have drawed here!

  3. Anonymous

    majo predivni su ti radovi…zaista si genije…sve odise nekom prelepom decijom radoscu, teksture su tako primamljive, boje osvezavajuce. Jednom recju ti si genije!
    Nasla sam tvoj link na i odusevljena sam…iskreno!
    Puno pozdrav, samo napred!

  4. Maja Veselinovic

    hvala natalija, drago mi je da ti se dopada to sto radim! eto, trudim se, a i ludo se zabavljam, pogotovo na illustration friday-u :-).
    kazes preko designserbia si me nasla…znaci ljudi ipak posecuju taj site…


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